Recent Updates to MaritimeQuest

June 22, 2024
New photo added to the Rainbow Bridge page. Second photo from the bottom.
May 27, 2024
New book in the New Releases section. The Mystery of Operation Alphabet.

*New messages on the HMS Victorious Message Board. (Messages 46 & 47)
*New messages on the HMS Warspite Message Board. (Messages 87 & 88)
*New messages on the HMS Eagle R-05 Message Board. (Messages 63 - 65)
*New message on the HMS Roberts Message Board.
*New message on the HMS Albion R-07 Message Board.
*New message on the USS DeWert FFG-45 Message Board.
* New message on the USS Little APD-4 Message Board.
April 14, 2024
New message in the Guestbook.
February 24, 2024
*New message on the HMS Rodney Message Board.
January 30, 2024
On Jan. 7th I posted a request for donations to keep MaritimeQuest on line. I am happy to announce that
we have reached the goal and MaritimeQuest will remain on line for another year. Thank you to the following
for making MaritimeQuest available for everyone; Robert Edmonds (U.K.), Fred Branyan (U.S.A.),
Joel G. Macaraeg (Hong Kong), Norman Young (U.K.), John Palmer (U.K.) and Gary Thorson (U.S.A.).

Michael W. Pocock
January 7, 2024
New book in the New Releases section, Empire Javelin D-Day Assault Ship by Philip Kay-Bujak.
**Jan. 7, 2024**

After undergoing a major surgery and having been out of work since late Nov., MaritimeQuest is in financial trouble. It costs about $1,000 a year to keep the site up and sadly I cannot afford to renew the site. I need your help to keep the site on line by making a donation, large or small. The site will go dark on Feb. 4th if the funds cannot be raised. It will still be available on the WayBackMachine, but not all features will work and it will be very slow. The links made to the site will also not work. The good news is that I have received pledges of $400 toward the site, so there is only a $600 deficit to make up. With the thousands of visitors who enjoy the site, that should not be difficult. You can send finds through Paypal to or use the MaritimeQuest donation page here. Donate to MaritimeQuest.

Thank you in advance for helping to keep the site on line.

Michael W. Pocock
June 30, 2023

Hello everyone. Sadly I must announce that I have to step away from MaritimeQuest due to health issues.
The site will remain on line, but will not be updated. There is a possibility that in the future I may be able to resume working on the site, but until then I wish to spend my time with my family and getting things in order. I hope you all understand.


Michael W. Pocock