New Releases

The Mystery of Operation Alphabet
By Elaine Merrikin Trimlett Glover

A new look at the sinking of HM ships Glorious, Ardent and Acasta.

Click here to buy on Amazon:
The Mystery of Operation Alphabet.
Empire Javelin D-Day Assault Ship
A new book on the Empire Javelin and the men that served and sailed on her will be published by Pen & Sword Books in the UK in May 2024. Please contact the author, Philip Kay-Bujak by email at for further information. Much information from the archives of MaritimeQuest were used in this book.

This is now available on Amazon
Empire Javelin D-Day Assault Ship.

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
Dunkirk Their Story
By David Buettner Banks

264 pages

Like his previous book, Chariots of Thunder, this book is packed with names,
dates, lists and photos of most of the ships involved in the historic rescue of
the BEF from Dunkirk. This is a wonderful resource for the researcher and
for anyone who is interested in this chapter in history.

(Preview book here)

(Click here to purchase the book.)

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
Chariots of Thunder (Air, Land & Sea)
By David Buettner Banks & Paul Allonby

188 pages

There is a lot of information in this book about singular operation in World
War II, making it hard to categorize. But as it says, Air, Land & Sea operations
are covered. The proceeds from these books go to charity.

(Preview book here)

Click here to purchase PDF versions of this and other books.

Click here to purchase hard copies of this and other books.

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
180 Years of Cunard
By Chris Frame and Rachelle Cross

Wonderful collection of photos and the history of some of the most famous
ships of all time. From the earliest days of steam and sail to the magnificent
new "Three Queens" and everything in between. Divided into various periods
of time, the book is an easy and enjoyable read.

2020 The History Press
132 pages deluxe paper.

Click here to order: 180 Years of Cunard
Schnellboote A Complete Operational History
By Lawrence Paterson

Very good and detailed book on a subject not well covered. Most of the information
comes directly from the original KTB's (War Diaries) from the boats and flotillas
themselves, so it is not second hand information. The book is the German
equivalent to Bulkley's "At Close Quarters" the USN PT boat bible.

The only deficiency I can find is that there is not a full disposition of boats, but
this information can be found elsewhere. I highly recommend this book for
anyone interested in small boat operations in World War II.

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
338 pages hardback.

Click here to order: Schnellboote A Complete Operational History
Pocket Battleships of the Deutschland Class
Warships of the Kriegsmarine series
By Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke

This book covers the Panzerschiffe (Armored Ships) Deutschland (later Lützow),
Admiral Scheer and Admiral Graf Spee. As with the other books in the series
it includes construction and armament details and service histories for all
three ships. Filled with many unique photos.

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
224 pages deluxe paper.

Click here to order: Pocket Battleships of the Deutschland Class
Battleships of the Scharnhorst Class
Warships of the Kriegsmarine series
By Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke

Covering the famous German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Including
construction and performance details and comprehensive service history. Filled with
photos, many which are not well known. Another great book in the series.

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
175 pages deluxe paper.

Click here to order: Battleships of the Scharnhorst Class
Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class
Warships of the Kriegsmarine series
By Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke

Another in the series which covers the ships Admiral Hipper, Blücher,
Prinz Eugen, Seydlitz and Lützow. Giving construction details, but most
importantly the service history in detail. A must have for the warship
researcher. (Other editions showing below.)

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
208 pages deluxe paper.

Click here to order: Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class
Battlefield Bombers Deep Sea Attack
By Martin W. Bowman

Details of RAF Bomber Command's fight against the Kriegsmarine. A companion
book to Deep Sea Hunters (Coastal Command.) As with Deep Sea Hunters, great
detail of missions, many that you have not heard of before. It also includes
rescue missions in which air crews risked their lives to land in mid-ocean, even
if there was a threat of a U-boat attack, and picking up sailors who had lost
their ships to the enemy. Like the other book individual attacks on U-boats are
not listed in the index, but there is a list of actions in the body of the book. If you
get one of these books, you must get the other.

2014 Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
206 pages, hardback.

Click here to purchase: Battlefield Bombers Deep Sea Attack.

German Light Cruisers of World War II
Warships of the Kriegsmarine series
By Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke

Two books of the six book series on German warships in the Second World
War. All books contain operational histories for each ship in the class, photos
and construction details. Modifications made to the ships during the war are
also included. I consider this series a very worthy addition to the naval history
of World War II. Other books in the series cover all the German heavy units.
(Bismarck Class, Scharnhorst Class, Admiral Hipper Class and Deutschland Class.)
If you also purchase the book Schnellboot, A Complete Operational History by
Lawrence Paterson, you have a pretty complete library on the Kriegsmarine.
(I realize these are not exactly "new" but they have just been brought to my
attention by the publisher.)

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
223 pages deluxe paper.

Click here to purchase: German Light Cruisers of World War II

German Destroyers of World War II
Warships of the Kriegsmarine series
By Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke

Construction and armament details, many photos and also includes service
histories for every ship.

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
224 pages deluxe paper.

Click here to purchase: German Destroyers of World War II

British Naval Weapons of World War Two
The John Lambert Collection
Edited by Norman Friedman

Volume 1: Destroyer Weapons

Two truly remarkable books covering a subject not previously well covered. The
technical information and drawings are the best I have ever seen. It includes
detailed internal drawings of the weapons and also drawings of the ships
showing gun positions. I really don't think you could find anything better for
the modeler or historian on these types of weapons unless you could get the
drawings from the manufacturer of the time. The text and drawings are a little
small, even though these are oversized books, but nothing else compares to
the work done in these volumes. Since Mr. Lambert passed away in 2106 I
don't know if there is going to be a third volume, but if there is it will be a must

2019 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
240 pages hardback.

Click here to purchase: British Naval Weapons of World War Two Vol. 1
Volume 2: Escort and Minesweeper Weapons
The John Lambert Collection
Edited by Norman Friedman

2019 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
240 pages hardback.

Click here to purchase: British Naval Weapons of World War Two Vol. 2
Deep Sea Hunters
By Martin W. Bowman

A wonderful and extremely detailed account of some of the exploits of RAF
Coastal Commands war against the U-boats and other German navy targets.
It is not a complete account of Coastal Command, but the events which are
described are done so in great detail. Obviously taken from many official
documents which are not always available to everyone. A must have for your
collection. My only criticism is that the individual U-boats are not listed in the
(This appears to be a companion to another book by Mr. Bowman entitled
Battlefield Bombers Deep Sea Attack. Which if it is will be the next book I
will get for my library.)

2014 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
210 pages hardback.

Click here to purchase: Deep Sea Hunters
The U-boat Commanders Knight's Cross Holders 1939-1945
By Jeremy Dixon

With so many books written about them, U-boats are one of the most interesting
single subjects of the Second World War. This book focuses on the top of the top
U-boat commanders of Hitler's navy, those awarded the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross.)
A very well researched and written book it includes photos of the men with the
details of their careers. It has a biography of every man and lists the other awards
earned through their career. For those who survived, their post war life is also
included. This is a fantastic reference for anybody interested in U-boats and is a
must for the serious war researcher.

2019 Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
323 pages hardback.

Click here to purchase: The U-Boat Commanders

Fittest of the Fit
By Kevin Brown

Many books have focused on operations and battles conducted by the Royal
Navy, but finally there is a book which sheds light on what it was really like
to serve in the Royal Navy. Fittest of the Fit lets the reader know what it was
like day to day serving in the navy in World War II. I have been asked so many
times if I can provide details about what someone did aboard ship, of course
I am not able to do so. This book however will enlighten the reader as to what
training and every day life was like. It covers virtually every aspect of how the
average rating lived. Covering health, food, those left at home, sex and much
more. For anyone wanting to know what is was like for their relatives serving
in the Grey Funnel Line this is the book that will tell you.

2019 Seaforth Publishing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
276 pages hardback.

Click here to purchase: Fittest of the Fit

The Great Desert Escape
By Keith Warren Lloyd

The little known story of the escape of 25 German POW's from an Arizona
prisoner of war camp. A well researched and compelling story of not only
the escape, but life in the camp. While everyone knows the story of "The
Great Escape," the escape of German prisoners is little known. Still in late
1944 the Germans in the camp believed in their country and wanted to
return to Germany to fight their captors. However a huge search conducted
by the U.S. and the unrelenting desert made escape difficult. In the end though
there is a big difference in the two stories. At the end of this story the prisoners
are not executed.

2019 Globe Pequot/Lyon's Press
288 pages hardback.

Buy at Rowman & Littlefield
The Great Desert Escape

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
By Brian Murphy

Before Titanic icebergs were well known as the scourge of the North Atlantic.
Adrift tells the almost unknown story of the John Rutledge, a sailing ship filled
with Irish emigrants, which fell victim to an iceberg. With only one survivor
to tell the tale, Brian Murphy has done an excellent job at digging up details
unknown to the public before. Well written and well researched it is an overall
great read.

2018 Da Capo Press (

Adrift on Amazon

*MaritmeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

A Harvest of Friendships
By Michael Henderson

This book tells the stories of some of the thousands of children who had
to be evacuated from the United Kingdom during the Nazi Blitz. With
German aircraft bombing major British cities and ports, the children
at first were evacuated to the English countryside. However it became
clear that in order to keep them safe they would have to leave the country.
Many were sent to Canada, but American families also took in many of
England's children, including the author and his brother. A labour of love,
this book demonstrates the undying bond between the U.S.A. and the U.K.

2017 Arnica Publishing (
201 pages, hardback

Click here to purchase in the U.S.A.

The Lost Story of the William and Mary
By Gill Hoffs

Among the many stories of tragic shipwrecks the story of the William
and Mary must stand out as one of the most tragic. Emigrants bound
for New Orleans and a new life, would never arrive. While that is not
a new story, when cowardice, murder and a heroic rescue are added
to the plot, it makes great reading. The author has done a wonderful job
of putting together the many pieces of the puzzle into a concise and
very readable book which will captivate you until the end.

2016 Pen & Sword Books Ltd. (
162 pages, hardback.
(Distributed in the USA by Casemate Publishers)

Click here to order in the U.S.A. Story

Click here to order in the U.K.
HMS Argus
By Charles E. Mac Kay

A very well researched book which includes details of her entire career.
Filled with photographs, including aircraft used, and drawings. Appendix
includes commanding officers of the ship and the Fleet Air Arm as well as
details of the various operations involving HMS Argus.

2017 A. MacKay (Publisher) Ltd.
175 pages, deluxe paper.

Click here to order in the U.K.
HMS Argus/

(Not yet available in the U.S.A.)

*MaritmeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

U.S. Merchant Mariner's WWII Diary
By Harry G. Pierson, Jr.

A first hand narrative of life in the Merchant Marine in World War II. Harry
served in many ships during the war and this book is a valuable insight into
what it was like in those dreadful times. For anyone who served or had a
relative who served in these sometimes less than respectable ships during
the war, no matter what country you served for, this book will take you to
sea during the greatest conflict in world history. They provided the food, fuel
and material the Allies needed to fight the enemy, and they did so with very
little protection from enemy torpedoes or the sea itself. Whether in the
freezing cold of the Arctic or the burning hell of the Pacific, merchant sailors
moved the items needed for the arsenal of freedom to defeat the Axis. A
must have book and a fascinating story.

2016 Westbow Press (
224 pages, deluxe paper (also available in Kindle version)

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

*MaritmeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

The Titanic An Interactive History Adventure
Revised Edition
By Bob Temple

A great book designed to introduce children to the different aspects of the
Titanic story. This "You Choose" book allows the reader to choose the
direction the story will focus on. You can choose to follow one of several
different story lines, which allow children to focus on one story at a time
rather than the whole story at once. A great read at bedtime for the little

2016 Capstone Press (
112 pages, deluxe paper

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Click here to order in the U.K.

*MaritmeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

The Union-Castle Line: Sailing Like Clockwork
By Mike Roussell and Sam Warwick

A wonderful book about one of the backbone companies of British shipping,
the Union-Castle Line. Ships of the Union-Castle Line served the route from
the U.K. to South Africa, Australia and India. Almost every Britisher who sailed
in the first 3/4 of the last century may have sailed on one of their ships. This
book is well illustrated and also provides wonderful and insightful stories from
those who sailed in and sailed for the line in peace and wartime.

2015 The History Press (
191 pages, large format hardback.

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

*MaritmeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
Pacific Avengers
By Mike Roussel

This book tells the story of 857 Squadron F.A.A. in the Pacific war through the
eyes and experience of one of the surviving pilots, Sub. Lt. (A) Geoffrey E. Wright.
It also covers the operation of the squadron from training in the U.S.A. to the end
of the Japanese Empire. Well written and filled with photographs the book is a good
read and a nice tribute to the men of 857 Squadron.

2015 Little Knoll Press (
229 pages, deluxe paper.

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

*MaritmeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

10 Greatest Ships of the Royal Navy
By John Ballard

Trying to select the 10 greatest ship in the Royal Navy must have been a large task,
considering the long and storied history which is the Royal Navy. Some may disagree
with the choices made by the author, but he has nevertheless chosen 10 ships whose
names are forever etched in the pages of history. Entire books have been and will
again be written about each of these ships, however Mr. Ballard had written a chapter about each which tells the story in a concise manner. After reading this book there will be no doubt why these ships were chosen. The book is an easy and enjoyable read. Mr. Ballard has also given me permission to publish the names of the ships here.
HM ships Victory, Warrior, Dreadnought, Warspite, Hood, Rodney, Illustrious (carrier), Amethyst, Bulwark (carrier) and Invincible (1980).

2015 Amberley Publishing (
159 pages, deluxe paper. (Also available in Kindle format)

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
In All Respects Ready: Australia's Navy in World War One
By David Stevens

The outbreak of the Great War found most world navies mostly prepared, but the Royal Australian Navy had just been formed and had to come of age quickly. In this book Commander David Stevens provides one of the most comprehensive accounts of how the Aussies and their new navy fought the largest war to date. Illustrated with many rare photos, maps and providing a detailed appendix and notes, this book will become known as one of the best works on the RAN.

2014 Oxford University Press
449 pages, hardback.

Click here to order in Australia

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Click here to order in the U.K.

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

Rich Men Poor Men Ryersons on the Titanic
By Phyllis Ryerse

Another relatively unknown story from the Titanic. First class passenger Arthur Ryerson, a wealthy industrialist and CEO of Ryerson steel and William, an unknown cousin serving as a steward on the same ship. Written by a distant relative of both men, the story is compelling and sad. Anyone interested in the story of the Titanic should also have this book in their collection.

2012 Amberley Publishing (
127 pages Deluxe Paper.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Click here to order in the U.K.

Also available in Kindle format.

Ryersons on the Lusitania
By Phyllis Ryerse

The second book in a series telling the Ryerson family story of tragedy at sea. A great companion to the book Rich Men Poor Men. Few families lost people in both Titanic and Lusitania, however the Ryerson family was one of the unlucky few.

2015 Deluxe Paper 54 pages.

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Also available in Kindle format.

Tragic Sinking of the Ercolano
By Phyllis Ryerse and
Michael Crutchley

Every story starts somewhere, and this is where the author's story begins. The third book in the series (the others being Ryersons on the Lusitania and Rich Men Poor Men), but the first and most compelling story of the all. The loss of the steamship Ercolano is mostly forgotten, and for the first time is told in detail. This truly tragic story gives a vivid account of the ship and the people lost in her.

2014 Deluxe Paper 143 pages.

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Also available in Kindle format.

175 Years of Cunard
By Chris Frame and Rachel le Cross

The latest offering in a collection of books by Chris and Rachelle. The book covers
the story of the company that pioneered transatlantic steamship travel. With photos
of dozens of Cunard ships and interesting facts provided to the authors by former
masters and crewmen, this is another book which should be in the collection of any
ship enthusiast.

2015 The History Press (
120 pages, hardcover

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Other titles by Chris Frame and Rachelle Cross

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
Rescue Pilot: Cheating The Sea
By Jerry Grayson, AFC

A wonderful new book on more modern operations of the Royal Navy and the Fleet Air Arm. Covering the period from 1972 to 1980 Jerry Grayson describes his experiences as a helicopter pilot in the Fleet Air Arm on HMS Ark Royal R-09 and later in 771 Squadron as a search and rescue pilot. Jerry was the youngest helicopter pilot to serve in the Royal Navy and the most decorated peacetime pilot in naval history. This book should bring back a lot of memories for the many men who served with him.

2015 Adlard Coles Nautical
230 pages, hardcover

To read the first two chapters free click here.

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.
Yangtze Showdown: China and the Ordeal of HMS Amethyst
By Brian Izzard

A new narrative of one of the most famous ships in the Royal Navy, HMS Amethyst.
Brian has done yeomans work collecting information, from both official and private
sources and has put together a very good look at the Yangtze Incident. It includes
profiles of all the ships involved, the crew roster of Amethyst and the awards and
honours given to the men involved. It also includes the true story of HMS Concord,
the ship officially written out of the history of the Yangtze Incident. Not all the details
are flattering, but he has included them to be true to the history of the story. Well
researched and well written, it is well worth adding this book to your library.

2015 Seaforth Publishing (
276 pages, hardback

Click here to order in the U.K.

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.

Arky: The Saga of the USS Arkansas
By Ray Hanley and Steven Hanley

From the her launch to her destruction with the atomic bomb at Bikini Island, this
book covers the record of the battleship Arkansas. It tells the story of the ship, but
it also tells the story of the men who served in her. Using several personal accounts
and diaries provided by former crewmen and relatives, Ray and Steven have combined
the operational history with the personal insights of her crew. The book is also well
illustrated with many unique photos, many never before published. If you ever
wanted to know what it was like to serve in a battleship from the prospective of the
regular sailor, this book should be in your library.

2015 Butler Center Books
166 pages, deluxe paper

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Click here to order in the U.K.

*MaritimeQuest contributed to the material in this book.
In the Wake of the Graf Spee
By Enrique Dick

The first heavy ship lost by the Germans in the Second World War, the cruiser
Admiral Graf Spee became one of the most famous sea hunts in history. Her loss,
at the hands of her own crew, off the coast of Uruguay was not the end of the
story though. The ship's crew was interned in Argentina following the sinking of
the ship as prisoners. Several escaped to return to Germany and the war, several
of them were later lost in other ships and U-boats. The author's father was one of
many the sailors who remained in Argentina after the war and raised a family. This
book tells the story of the ship and her men through the war and after. Enrique Dick,
a retired Major General in the Argentine Army and a contributor to this website,
has done a very good job telling the story using many official documents from
Germany, Argentina and the U.K. many of which are unavailable to other authors.
The book was originally published in 2005 in Spanish, but this revised version is,
for the first time available in English. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the story of this valiant ship and her crew.

2015 WIT Press (
237 pages Hardback
(Order direct from WIT Press

Click here to order in the U.S.A.

Click here to order in the U.K.
Note to publishers and authors. If you have a book or books you wish to have listed here please email me