USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG-58
Message Board

Oct. 20, 2012

I worked the Roberts when she was built new and worked her when she ran into a mine. Like it was yesterday at Portland shipyard. Would love to hear anything from the crew, hope the CO remembers us, he gave me a cap of the USS Roberts and still got it. Getting ready to depart from Bath Iron Works soon.

Paul Champagne

July 7, 2012

I remember 1988 very well. I was OS 2, TRACK SUP. Onboard the USS STUMP when we were called to the Gulf from our med cruise to replace the Roberts after she had struck the mine. We were doing the Ernest Will duty escorting the tankers to the straits and we also did a memorial for the Stark.
We then were called upon to escort her back either through the Med. or all the way HOME I'm not sure how far we road alongside her while she was piggyback on the hauler. I have a pic of myself standing on our harpoon deck and the Roberts in the background. I treasure that photo. I saw their skipper on the military channel today talking about 1988. I never see anything on the Stump as regards to our part escorting or replacing her. The Vincennes replaced us and that's a horror story itself.

Take care,
Jeff Elmore

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