C.P.O. Hugh Meirion Williams, D.S.M., B.E.M., R.N. Collection
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Hugh Meirion Williams was the Son of a Gamekeeper, he joined The Royal Navy as a 2nd Class Boy at HMS Impregnable, Devonport in 1926. His first overseas postings were to the Mediterranean and HMS Eagle including her South American Cruise in 1931. In 1935/6  he was posted to the China Station where he travelled the mighty Yangtze River aboard the gunboat HMS Cockchafer. During the war he served aboard destroyers, notably HMS Eclipse on the Russian Convoys and HMS Saumeraz on D-Day and later in the East Indies. Retained by the RN as a Leadership Instructor, he retired in 1953. A few years later he was Head Gamekeeper on the Estate he had left as a boy.

(This collection is presented in his order of service and not necessarily in the order of the photos taken.)

HMS Marlborough seen in the 1920's. (It is unclear if Hugh was ever on Marlborough.)

1926: St. Vincent Division, Christmas Term.

December 25, 1927: Boy's Mess in HMS Eagle.

1928: Crewmen of HMS Eagle on the rifle range.

HMS Eagle, date and location unknown.
(All photos from the collection of Chief Petty Officer Hugh Meirion Williams, D.S.M., B.E.M., R.N.)
Courtesy of Trevor Williams

MaritimeQuest is grateful to Trevor Williams, the son of Hugh Williams, for providing this collection for publication.

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Page published Oct. 8, 2011