USS Louisiana BB-19
Message Board

Jan. 12, 2018

I found my grandfather's discharge papers. His name was Benedict W. Groth. Story has it the gentleman that was killed due to a shell going through the boiler room. Had asked my grandfather to swap watch with him. Which my grandfather did. I often think of this. Wonder if I would ever had been born if they did not swap watches or who I would be. My grandfather was, wonderfully man. Served as a police officer until 1955.

C. W. Henshall

Reply 1
Jan. 13, 2018

The man killed was Fireman 3rd Class Moses L. Morgan. Killed June 1, 1918 when a shell from New Hampshire BB-25 hit the ship.

Michael W. Pocock


May 5, 2013

I was looking at your wonderful site and couldn't seem to find the pictures of Joseph W. Langbauer, my Grandfather, who was a crew member on the BB-19 during the Great White Fleet's cruise. The tribute on your site is so informative.

Kenneth S. Langbauer

Joseph W. Langbauer seen in 1908.

Feb. 23, 2012

My grandfather, Oliver Adams Wyckoff, was on the fleet's round-the-world cruise on the USS Louisiana. I have some of his pictures and souvenirs along with his 'Shellback' certificate for crossing the equator. I have it hanging in my shop next to my 'Shellback' certificate that I got when I crossed the equator in 1966 on the USS Harwood. Keep up the good work in preserving our Naval history.

Richard W. Wyckoff
SMC USNR (retired)

Feb 15, 2009

What a great site! My Grandfather-Joseph W. Langbauer was on the Louisiana in 1908 and I have his document
given him when he crossed the Equator on January 6th, 1908 on my wall. I also have pictures of him.
Thanks for the great pictures.

Kenneth S. Langbauer
Deerfield Beach, Florida

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Page published Sept. 9, 2007