USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72 |
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1. Nov. 20, 2019 I have quite an unusual request to ask and I'm hoping and praying you may be able to assist or direct me in the right direction. I understand the utmost privacy is given in regards to personal information, I'm not asking for that I would like to know if you have a idea where I can try to locate my "old" boyfriend who served on the USS Abraham Lincoln. He was stationed at Alameda Air Force Base Oakland 1992, I was there visiting him from Australia. I signed the visitors log book whilst touring the ship with him. I've tried searching for him over 20 years but I will never give up hope as this is a very heart wrenching circumstance as I have his "son" who is now a handsome well established young man who is desperate to find his birth father. I feel helpless and responsible for my sons void in his life. Please Michael if you can direct me I would be greatly appreciated and forever indebted. His birth father's name is Maurice Turner I believe he worked in the medical sector as an assistant on board. Please find it in your heart to help. Yours sincerely, Candice Cross |
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Page published Apr. 22, 2007 |