Brocklebank (1965)

Brocklebank, date and location unknown.

Brocklebank, date and location unknown.

August 20, 2013: Brocklebank seen at the Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, England. The sailing vessel Kathleen and May is seen in the background.
(Photo courtesy of Peter F. Williams)
©2013 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved

August 20, 2013: Brocklebank seen at the Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, England.
(Photo courtesy of Peter F. Williams)
©2013 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved

August 20, 2013: Brocklebank seen at the Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, England.
(Photo courtesy of Peter F. Williams)
©2013 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved

Brocklebank (1965) Photo Gallery
Page published Feb. 7, 2016