Blexen (1988)
Mario Hillje Collection

January 29, 2009: Blexen assisting the frigate Emden F-210 at Wilhelmshaven, Germany.


January 29, 2009: Blexen assisting the frigate Emden F-210 at Wilhelmshaven, Germany.


January 29, 2009: Blexen assisting the frigate Emden F-210 at Wilhelmshaven, Germany.


January 29, 2009: Blexen assisting the frigate Emden F-210 at Wilhelmshaven, Germany.


January 29, 2009: Blexen assisting the frigate Emden F-210 at Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

(All photos courtesy of Mario Hillje)
© Mario Hillje all rights reserved


Builder's Data
Page published Feb. 1, 2009