Randall County Veterans Park
Amarillo, Texas
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The main entrance to the Texas Panhandle War Memorial.

On either side of the walkway are granite plaques listing the names of honored veterans, the plaques were and continue to be sold to raise money for the park and memorials.

The main entrance to the Texas Panhandle War Memorial. The memorial is a circle surrounding a group of flags, around the circle are different memorials for the various wars and military actions in which the United States has been involved. The stones have a brief description of the conflict and also list the names of those who lost their lives in those conflicts.

Walking clockwise around the memorial the first set of granite stones commemorate those who fought in the Spanish-American War, Persian Gulf War and Panama. On the reverse side are dedications to those who served in Somalia, Kosovo, Lebanon and Grenada.

The next set of stones commemorate those who served in the Vietnam War, the stones in the back list the names of those who lost their lives during the war.
All photos © 2010 Michael W. Pocock
and MaritimeQuest all rights reserved

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Page published Dec. 20, 2010