Daniel Carl Solander
Kurnell, New South Wales, Australia

The Daniel Carl Solander Memorial.

Daniel Solander (1733–1782) was a Swedish naturalist who moved to England in 1760, gaining a position at the British Museum in 1763. He sailed on board HMS Endeavour under Captain James Cook during the voyage of 1768–1771 as an assistant to Joseph Banks and upon their return to England in 1771 became the librarian and botanist to Banks. It was Solander who is generally credited with the naming of Botany Bay, originally referred to as Botanist Bay. A memorial to Solander was erected at Kurnell on the shores of Botany Bay, within sight of where Cook first landed on the east coast of Australia. The southern headland of Botany Bay is also named in his honour, Cape Solander.

Another view of the Daniel Carl Solander Memorial.

Close-up of the dedication plaque on the Daniel Carl Solander Memorial.

Close-up of the lower plaque on the Daniel Carl Solander Memorial.
(All photos and text courtesy of Peter F. Williams)
© 2010 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved

Page published Apr. 18, 2010