F/A-18-A Hornet Prototype
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The first McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype (160775) seen on the maiden flight. Note "Marines" is painted on this side, "Navy" was painted on the other side. This aircraft is currently on display at the U.S. Naval Museum of Armament and Technology, US Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California.

The first McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype (160775) seen on the maiden flight. This and TF-1 (the first two seater) were the only Hornets to wear Blue and Gold paint.

The first McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype (160775) showing the "Navy" side.

McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype 2 (160776). Used for training, the fuselage still exists and is used for fire fighting and crane practice.

McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype 2 (160776).

McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype 2 (160776).

McDonnell Douglass F/A-18 Hornet prototype 2 (160776) seen in flight.
(All photos courtesy of Michael Blatchford, U.S.N.)

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Page published Jan. 18, 2013