January 7, 1942: Front page of the News and Chronicle, London, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 7: "Nazi Atrocities: Molotov Protests" |
(Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov tells the world about Nazi atrocities. However, the record of Russian lies gives everyone pause in believing his words. This is the result of constant lies being told by government officials, including those of today.) |
Historical note: On this day the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Anthony Eden, MP, sent a memo titled; "German Atrocities: Proposed Declaration" to the War Cabinet. |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Daily Mail, Hull, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury, Leeds, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the Western Mail and South Wales News, Cardiff, Wales. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 8: "Nazis Execute Five Belgians" |
(The Nazis say they were executed for acts of sabotage. The German military commander also announces that he is giving the Belgian population a "final chance" to surrender their guns reminding them that the penalty for persons found in possession of arms, is death.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the Evening Telegraph and Post, Dundee, Scotland. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 8: "Dutch Submarine Missing" |
(The report states that the unnamed submarine, was the second Dutch submarine lost since the beginning of the war with Japan. The most recent Dutch submarine lost was HNLMS K-XVI, which was sunk by the Japanese submarine I-66 on Christmas Day. This was in fact the fourth Dutch submarine lost since Dec. 7th. HNLMS O-16 was the first and was sunk by a mine on Dec. 15, O-20, was sunk by Japanese warships on Dec. 19, K-XVII and was sunk by a mine on Dec. 21st.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Examiner, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in columns 3-4: "King Of Denmark Threatens To Relinquish Throne" |
(King Christian threatens to Abdicate if German anti-Jewish laws are forced on Denmark.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Sydney Sun, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Telegraph, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Winnipeg Tribune, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in columns 6-7: "Nazi Troops Charged With 95,567 Murders" |
(The Soviets charge German troops with mass murder.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the Biddeford Daily Journal, Biddeford, Maine. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Evening Star, Washington, D.C. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in columns 6-7: Use of Zeppelins to Dispatch Bombers Over U.S. Anticipated" |
(According to Sterling F. Green of the Associated Press, "responsible military officials" told him that the Germans use of Zeppelins in bombing raids on the U.S. east coast is "definitely in the cards." This is one of the more ridiculous claims made, but at least this time they mention airships that could make it across the Atlantic and back. The thought of giant German Zeppelins, crossing the Atlantic unnoticed, is absurd.) |
Also note the report in column 5: "Nazi Radio Reports U.S. Battleship Sunk" |
(A Nazi controlled radio station in the Netherlands claim that the Japanese have torpedoed a U.S. battleship, either USS New Mexico or USS Mississippi. The report, which even the Associated Press admitted had no confirmation, was false. Perhaps the Navy Department made a tactical error by saying they had no information and no comment. A statement that does not give the American people, especially those who have relatives serving in these ships, any confidence that one of these ships had not been sunk.) |
Also note the report in column 8: "Japs to Start Rationing Food in Six Provinces" |
(Official announcement from Tokyo radio.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Evening Gazette, Xenia, Ohio. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of The Port Arthur News, Port Arthur, Texas. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the Tucson Daily Citizen, Tucson, Arizona. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the San Mateo Times, San Mateo, California. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the Teltower Kreisblatt, Kreis Teltow, Brandenburg, Germany. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
1. Schwere Sowjet=Verluste bei den Kämpfen im Osten. |
(Heavy Soviet losses in the fighting in the east.) |
2. Militärbündnis Australien-USA. |
(Australia-US military alliance.) |
January 7, 1942: Front page of the Völkischer Beobachter, the official newspaper of the NSDAP. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
1. Roosevelt erbt schon große Empire-Brocken. |
(Roosevelt is already inheriting large chunks of Empire.) |
2. Australien unterstellt sich USA. |
(Australia submits to USA.) |
Page published January 7, 2023 |