Daily Event for September 3, 2009

On September 3, 1925 at the yard of Armstrong Whitworth on the Tyne, Dame Caroline Bridgeman broke a bottle of Imperial wine against the bow of Britain's first battleship to be launched since 1916. After the great ship slid into the water she said "May she be the guardian of peace and the symbol of justice and fair play wherever she sails". With that the hull of Nelson was taken by tugs to the fitting out yard. The two ships of the Nelson class were the first British ships to mount triple turrets and the first with all heavy armament forward of the superstructure, which gave them a silhouette unmistakable from any other battleship ever built.
© 2009 Michael W. Pocock

Both ships of the Nelson class, HMS Nelson and HMS Rodney the Royal Yacht Victoria & Albert and several other ships of the Royal Navy.


2006 Daily Event