Wall of Pain
Zagreb, Croatia
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In September 1993, families of people who disappeared and who were killed all over Croatia built a wall of bricks near the barracks where the UNPROFOR (United Nation Protection Forces) had their headquarters. Each brick had the name of one of those who were killed or had disappeared on it. There were more than 13,500 bricks in this wall.

This wall was on the main street, on the pavement, where lot of  people pass every day and there is a lot of traffic, it was decided  to move it  to the main cemetery, Mirogoj. The bricks were buried in the ground and a monument was erected with all the names from the bricks on it. This monument was opened in October 2006.


The Wall of Pain Monument.


The Wall of Pain Monument.


The Wall of Pain Monument.


A close-up of some of the over 13,000 names on the Wall of Pain monument.

(All photos and text courtesy of Vladimir Tarnovski)
© 2009 Vladimir Tarnovski all rights reserved


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Page published June 1, 2009