Lawson War Memorial |
Lawson, NSW, Australia |
Lawson War Memorial, located adjacent to the Great Western Highway at Lawson, a village in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, Australia. This memorial is a simple (non-ornate) arch of triumph that leads to the Honour Gardens, a tree lined pathway where 32 brass plaques commemorate those from the local community who paid the supreme sacrifice during service. The Lawson War Memorial was dedicated in 1923 to commemorate those who served during the Great War, but additional plaques have been added to recognise service in subsequent conflicts. |
Another view of the Lawson War Memorial. |
The plaque dedicated to the memory of those lost in World War II. |
The plaque dedicated to those lost in Korea and Malaya. |
The plaque dedicated to those lost in Vietnam. |
(Photos and text courtesy of Peter F. Williams) © 2011 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved |
Page published Aug. 28, 2011 |