Kokoda Memorial |
Manuka, Canberra,
Australian Capital Territory, Australia |
This sculpture is a memorial to the Papuans and New Guineans who, during the Kokoda campaign, provided invaluable service to the Australian servicemen by manhandling supplies to the front line along the inhospitable conditions of the Kokoda Trail and assisted the wounded and sick during their returned to Port Moresby. Amongst the Australian troops they became known as the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. This memorial is located at the entrance to the Canberra Services Club, Manuka, Canberra. |
Close-up of one of the dedication plaques. |
Close-up of the other dedication plaque. |
(All photos and text courtesy of Peter F. Williams) © 2010 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved |
Page published May 22, 2010 |