Denton County Confederate Soldier Memorial
Denton, Texas, U.S.A.

The Denton County Confederate Soldier Memorial, was located on the grounds of the former Denton County Courthouse in Denton, Texas. Erected during the last year of the Great War in 1918 by the Daughters of the Confederacy. This memorial, like so many others of its time, seems to have been inspired by the incredible loss of men in Europe in the Great War. Unlike some memorials, this memorial was dedicated to the soldier, not to the leaders of the Confederacy. It was a reminder to the families of the sacrifice made by their relatives. Note the two water fountains, which I was told used to be labeled "white only" and "black only" or something to that effect. A sad sign of the times in which the memorial was built.

This memorial was removed in June of 2020 during the great historical cleansing of the United States. According to news reports it will be relocated, but the location was not disclosed in the story. Its location on the square may not have been appropriate any longer, but perhaps moving it to a cemetery in the county would be an acceptable location.

Another view of the memorial.

Another view of the memorial.

Close-up of the Confederate soldier atop the memorial.

The dedication inscription on the left column.

The dedication inscription on the right column.

A plaque placed near the memorial at a much later date.
(All photos © 2017 Michael W. Pocock
and MaritimeQuest all rights reserved

Page published July 25, 2020