Daily Event for June 17, 2009

On a fine Saturday afternoon at Devonport Dockyard the crowd gathered to witness the launch of a new warship. Lady Ormonde hoisted a bottle of Irish whisky and christened the ship Hibernia. After the bands played and the hymn, Eternal Father strong to serve, was sung, Lady Ormonde presented the ship with a large silken Union flag of Irish manufacture, which was run up the flag staff on the bow. At 5pm on June 17, 1905 Lady Ormonde cut the rope which released two weights which knocked away the dog-shores holding the ship in place and she slid down the ways into the Hamoaze. Cheers, salutes and the sounding of steam horns filled the air and the battleship Hibernia was launched. The strong Irish theme to the ceremony was due to the fact that Hibernia is the Latin name for Ireland.
© 2009 Michael W. Pocock

2008 Daily Event