Daily Event for June 30

June 30, 1915 the destroyer HMS Lightning hit a mine laid by the UC-1 near the Kentish Knock light vessel in
the North Sea. The 320 ton destroyer was on a mission to destroy mines in the area when she hit one herself.
The ship broke in two and sank taking fifteen men with her. The press reported on July 2 that the ship had been
damaged, but was now in port. Lightning was the first victim of UC-1, but UC-1 herself fell victim to her own
mine, or at least that is what is believed. The boat was lost while on a minelaying mission in late July 1917.

A second HMS Lightning was launched on Apr. 22, 1940, she too was lost on Mar. 13, 1943 in the
© 2008 Michael W. Pocock

HMS Lightning seen in the early 1900's.

(Roll of Honour)

2005 Daily Event