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Lorraine seen from HMS Resolution possibly in July 1943.
(Photo from the collection of Musician Francis W. Duffield, R.M.B.)
Courtesy of Carol Duffield

Lorraine seen from HMS Resolution possibly in July 1943.
(Photo from the collection of Musician Francis W. Duffield, R.M.B.)
Courtesy of Carol Duffield

Lorraine seen from HMS Resolution possibly in July 1943.
(Photo from the collection of Musician Francis W. Duffield, R.M.B.)
Courtesy of Carol Duffield

Lorraine seen from HMS Resolution possibly in July 1943. A Supermarine Walrus is seen on X turret.
(Photo from the collection of Musician Francis W. Duffield, R.M.B.)
Courtesy of Carol Duffield

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Class Overview
Page published Dec. 13, 2007