This was written as a Daily Event for June 6, 2020, but it is an article which I consider worthy of being placed In The News. |
Today is the anniversary of a very significant event, the D-Day landings in France in 1944. The day the Allied Forces of America, Britain, France, Canada, Australia and men from many other countries landed on the beaches of France to begin the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany. It has been 76 years since that bloody day when thousands of young men sacrificed their lives in the defense of others. Men from around the world, who knew none of the people they were fighting for, that they were dying for. Tens of thousands were wounded and would carry the scars inflicted on this day for the rest of their lives. It would take another eleven months of fighting and dying to bring Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany to defeat, and another four months and thousands of lives past that to defeat Imperial Japan. The bloodiest war in the history of the world, over 54,000,000 dead. Millions murdered in camps run by the Nazis like Auschwitz, Belzic, Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor, Birkineau, Dachau, Ravensbrück, Theresienstadt, Mauthausen, Sachenhausen, Neuengamme, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald and so many others. Millions more murdered in the far east by the Imperial Japanese in the Philippines, China, Korea, French Indochina Burma, Indonesia, Malaya and on hundreds of little islands throughout the Pacific too numerous to mention. That generation saved the world, but the fight apparently never ends. After the war the victorious armies of the west returned home, they liberated millions from tyranny and returned their countries to the people. The victorious armies of the east (communist Russia) kept the countries they liberated and continued a reign of terror and murder for another 45 years. Communist China still reigns with an iron fist and terrorizes many nations outside its borders like Taiwan and Tibet. Millions are in Chinese concentration camps at this moment. There is no freedom in China. As I wrote earlier 54,000,000 people died in World War II, that is about half as many as have died at the hands of the Communists. The figure that is usually quoted is 100,000,000 (one hundred-million.) And yet this is rarely ever mentioned, in fact it is covered up and ignored. I suggest to you that many of the young generation could tell you nothing about what happened on this day so long ago. At this moment the younger generation are in the streets, looting, burning, rioting, destroying and killing. They are protesting, so they say, the death of a black man at the hands of the police in Minnesota. Young people around the world are getting in on the riots, not because they give a care about a black man who died, but because they are being agitated to do so by people who know how to organize an insurrection. We who are older remember the masters of insurrection, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin. The young people of today do not understand that while they claim they are fighting for equality, they are actually fighting for people who would enslave them. They are just like the young people who followed Hitler and Lenin in the last century. Marching on a path to destruction that may engulf the world once again. The principal organizers in the United States are the Antifa group, which is a modern day Nazi organization modeled on Adolf Hitler's SA (Sturmabteilung). They terrorize anyone who disagrees with them and have caused millions of dollars in damage over the years. They operate in mostly Democrat controlled cities with the Democrat politicians looking away and even protecting them from any repercussions. They are the terrorist arm on the Democrat Party in the United States. The other principal terrorist organization running the riots is Black Lives Matter. A black supremacist version of the Ku Klux Klan (which used to be the terrorist arm for the Democrat Party). They may have existed before, but they came to prominence after the media promoted the "hands up don't shoot" lie of Ferguson, Missouri several years ago. You will remember this was when a black man who had just "strong-arm" robbed a clerk at a convenience store was killed while he was attacking police officer. It would be more accurate to call them Black Lies Matter, because the lies they tell have caused a lot of trouble. Behind all these people is the Nazi collaborator George Soros. Soros, a Hungarian Jew, who was 14 when the Nazi's occupies his country, survived (while most others his age did not) by posing as the Godson of a Christian. Paid by his father to vouch for him, this "Christian" would take young George with him when he confiscated Jewish property and turn Jews over to the Nazis for "special treatment" in other words the gas chamber. In the interview which you can see here (60 Minutes Interview) Soros does not name this "Christian" but it seems this man must have been a Nazi himself at the very least he was an anti-Semite who should have been executed after the war. Soros states that he has no remorse for the actions he took during the war. He also does not express any remorse for the lives he has destroyed with his financial dealings. He says "I would say that that's when my character was made." I believe he is correct, he is every bit as evil as the Nazis he grew up around. In my opinion he carried himself in that interview, like every arrogant Nazi I have ever seen interviewed, you will have to be the judge. The interview, conducted by a liberal reporter, in my view does not make this man look good. Yet he is the money man behind some of the worst behavior on the planet. He should know better, and I would argue that he does, which only leaves one conclusion. (One wonders if the people who survived knew that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. Perhaps they did not, because if they had known he may have faced and deserved the same fate as other collaborators. Many of them were executed by vigilantes in the streets.) I just wanted you to know that these are the people, along with the Democrat party and the media, who are running the riots. They are now demanding that the police be defunded. In other words, they want to disband the police in the U.S.A. Already several mayors and governors seem to be on board with this idea. The question is why? Do they want the country to devolve into anarchy? Who will this benefit? Not the citizen for sure. This would be devastating to the country. If there was no rule of law, who makes the rules? If there were no police who will protect the public? If there are no police the White Supremacist, who the media and the Democrat party claim are under every rock and behind every corner, could go into black neighborhoods and kill as many blacks as they want, there will be nobody to stop them. Is that what they want? I hope not, but that will be the result and they know it. They mayors and governors in many major cities such as New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., Los Angeles (California as a whole) and many other Democrat controlled cities have systematically removed your Second Amendment rights by enacting gun laws. The Democrat party describes them as "sensible gun laws" when in fact they restrict your ability to defend yourself. Now these same Democrats who took your gun rights away, want to disband the police. Now you are in the position the Democrats have wanted you to be in for decades, disarmed, defenseless and at the mercy of the government. A government that has said it will not protect you. A government that stands on the side of the criminals, and make no mistake, the rioters are criminals. To have your voice heard in a peaceful demonstration is as American as apple pie, to destroy private property is a crime, to destroy public property is a crime. To assault, shoot and kill people is a crime. But remember to a Democrat, protecting yourself from people engaged in this death and destruction is a crime. Who do you want to stand with? We have been told that the Minneapolis Police Dept. is systemically racist. Everyone is saying that, the terrorist groups, the media and Joe Biden. But none of them are asking the question, why have the Democrats, who have been running Minneapolis since 1945, put these racist policies in place. Since July 1945 there has been only two Republican mayors, one for four (4) years and one for one (1) day. The other seventy years and three hundred and sixty-four days it has been a Democrat run town. Are these the people that you think can fix the problem they designed? They claim that blacks in the U.S.A. don't like the police. It would be more accurate to say that black criminals don't like the police, because black victims always call the police. The rioters say that black men are being targeted by the police, this is a lie. Criminals are targeted by the police, black, white or other, just criminals. In every recent case where a black man died at the hands of the police, the man was a suspected or known criminal. (That is not to say that blacks or anyone suspected of being a criminal should be killed by the police.) That is what the police do, arrest criminals, not just black criminals. The same is true in the current case, Mr. Floyd was a suspected and a known criminal. I would like to point out an important fact. What happened to George Floyd in Minnesota should never have happened. I am extremely upset about it, not because he was black, but because he was an American. The police are here to protect the public, not to murder the public. And let me make it crystal clear, he was murdered. Sadly people stood by and watched him die, they just pointed their cell phone cameras at him and did not lift a finger to help him. One reason for that is that we have a very sick society today, another reason is that if someone had put a hand on the police officer, they would have been arrested for interfering with a law enforcement officer. Floyd would not have died and there would be no proof that he would have died. The police would have said that he was about to get off of him when the civilian attacked the officer. Who would have believed the civilian? Many of us, perhaps even me, would have said that the bystander got what he deserved for interfering with the cops. Because there was no death, there was no crime. This was a terrible situation which should NEVER have happened. The tactic that was used, the knee on the neck, has been outlawed by most police departments, but why is any police department using it? We the people should speak with one voice and demand that such tactics be stopped immediately. The police are here to serve us and protect us. They, like the government, derive their authority from the people, not the other way around. And if we the people do not give our consent to use these tactics they will have to stop. I want you to understand that I support the police. I believe that the vast majority of officers are good and do their job because they love the communities they serve. But there are, as in any society and organization, those who cross the line. Those with an attitude, even racists (both black and white) but this is not the case for most officers. When something terrible like this happens though, then things change, fast. Those in power tend to go into cover your ass mode. Those in power protect their own so that they are not held responsible. This may already be the case in the Floyd situation. In the Floyd case we have the videos as evidence. But there was a strange occurrence with the autopsy. The Hennepin County Coroner, (the Democrat government coroner) said Floyd died of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression." Their report also listed other significant conditions, including arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent use of methamphetamine. A second autopsy conducted at the request of the family (or rather their lawyers) by Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson found that the cause of death was "sustained pressure on the right side of Floyd's carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and weight on his back impeded his ability to breathe." Most people did not need an autopsy to confirm why he died, we saw it with our own eyes. It is interesting to point out that the democrat coroner "revised" his autopsy to reflect what the second autopsy said later. It is not just the police officer, but his superiors and the Democrat leaders in Minneapolis who are responsible for the death of George Floyd. As in the Eric Garner case in New York, in which Mayor Bill de Blasio (whose given name is Warren Wilhelm, Jr.) ordered his police department to stop people from selling single cigarettes because they are not paying tax in them. de Blasio's order led directly to Garners death, but de Blasio was not held responsible by the black community. As Americans we have to unite. Unite against those who would destroy what this country is (or should be). In the totalitarian world (China, Iran, North Korea and countless other countries) if people demonstrate against the government they can be killed, imprisoned or just disappear into the Night and Fog. We as Americans must unite and do what we can to make this a better country, but currently the youth of the country seem to be descending into madness. They have been deliberately mis-educated by government schools and colleges to hate the country. They have also been consistently lied to by the left-wing media (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, PBS, CBS, NY Times, WAPO and hundreds of other media outlets) who in fact are the enemy of the people. Anyone who would deliberately lie to the population, cover-up for their Democrat masters and sow dissent among the people is by definition an enemy of the people. (We did not need Trump to tell us this, we have known it for years.) Voices of disagreement are silenced by the Tech Tyrants (google, facebook, twitter, snapchat and the like) if they disagree with the left-wing lies being told to the world. We have freedom of speech in this country, but there are so many who believe that that applies only to them. (Freedom for me but not for thee.) If you disagree than you should be punished. This is what happens in a totalitarian society. The American youth, who are in the streets, have no idea what living in a totalitarian society is like. They have no idea what real oppression is, but if the direction of this country is not changed, they will find out, and by that time it will be too late. I could go on and on about how dangerous this time in our history is, but how many people are going to read this. It is enough to say that the young generation who are in the streets now are squandering the freedom that the generation who fought and died in World War II gave them. They are giving it to people just like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and every other tin-pot dictator who ever lived. They are just too ignorant and uneducated to know they are doing it. That is the key that every evil dictator knows, get them when they are young and you will have them for life. The young have no idea that they are working for people who believe in Nazi philosophy, they think they are working for the good guys. God help this world. Post a link to this page on your facebook, twitter or snapchat if you dare, but you may be banned or have your account closed. |
© 2020 Michael W. Pocock MaritimeQuest.com |
July 20, 2020 I was reminded about this article today and thought I would give it another read. Since I mentioned google as one of the biggest Tech Tyrants in a paragraph above I thought I would do a google search for the article. To my surprise (not really because I was not surprised at all) this article can not be found on google. It is censored, erased, ignored, just not found in a google search. I also did a Bing and Yahoo search, the article was at the top of the first page, which was a surprise. As I said in the article above, the Tech Tyrants are firmly on the side of the left. They are enemies of the American citizen, enemies of freedom and enemies of truth. If google is threatened by one article on MaritimeQuest that is critical of them, perhaps they think I got too close to the truth. It is high time that Congress passes some kind of legislation to hold these tyrants accountable for their actions. It is time that their power to control the information flow be diminished. The power to control what the public can read is awesome and is in the hands of a very few people, all of them far left-wing democrats and this must stop if the country is to survive. There used to be laws to keep media corporations from becoming monolithic because people understood that information is power. Why did our so-called leaders relent and allow these giant media and tech companies get so large. Information filtered and formatted to fit one point of view, no matter which point of view it is, is dangerous. The Nazi's fully understood this and they masterfully used this knowledge to poison the minds of their people into thinking that there was a segment of their population which had to be eliminated. They did this in the short time of one generation. They used the triad of evil; government, education/science and the media to inject the Nazi venom into the minds of those who were forced to follow. They took an advanced, cultured society and taught their children to hate, just as the government schools and the colleges are teaching YOUR children to hate. The German people were taught to fear their children, who could and did, turn parents into the Gestapo if they spoke harsh words against the state. If they did disagree they were taught to remain silent or suffer the consequences. Which in Nazi Germany was a state sponsored vacation in a concentration camp, that they would probably not survive. Just one example that has stuck with me since he spoke the words. In a 2019 television interview disgraced former FBI director James Comey was asked if Congress should impeach President Trump. Comey's response was chilling; "As a citizen, I kind of hope not because I think the American people would be let off the hook if Donald Trump were impeached..." The American people should not be "let off the hook." This indicates to me that the former head of one of the most powerful agencies in the world believes that American citizens who voted for someone HE does not like deserved to be punished for their decision. We know what Comey did to Trump with the Russia hoax, he almost got away with it. Just imagine what people in positions of power like Comey could do to you if they want to. They may send you to live in a gated community in southern Poland. If you think that I am embellishing this in any way, than you don't know history. If you think I can't prove what I have said, think again. Below are PDF versions of the search I did on google, Yahoo and Bing. You can see this for yourself. Michael W. Pocock |
Reply 1 Aug. 17, 2020 Thank you for writing what you did and what you have in your site. Love knowing others have functioning brains whilst our once great country is subjected to a Russia 1917 II. I enjoyed the Denton County Confederate Soldier Memorial, Confederate Memorial Dallas, Texas and Nigger's Grave articles. They hit very close to home as you will read. Love planes, ships and war history. A lot of boxes to check and share. Black Lives Matter was founded and run by "trained Marxists' each freely admits. Now reparations are demanded and last week comes the demand for Whites give their homes to Blacks (like the recently revised South African Constitution which allows confiscation without compensation of White land and homes for redistribution to Blacks). They say this claim is to make up for past wrongs and being held back. Michael, I can't count the jobs I've lost, the promotions I've been denied and given to Blacks, who in one example couldn't pass the promotional test while I was 1st on the list. These oppressed feeling Blacks have had had Affirmative Action since March 6, 1961; over 59 years. When is this hand up going to be enough? Dr. Thomas Sowell has so much to say on this. He has some great YouTube videos (not yet banned). Many of my ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, on both sides of the War Between the States, WWI and II, and Korea. A great-grandfather, Frederick Emert, was one of George Washington's body guards (Commander-in-Chief's Guards), a cousin, Raymond 'Sonny' (Furin) Popson flew with Neil Armstrong and Chuck Yeager, dying in the Bell X-5 trying to save the plane. Parlez vous Popson Ave. at Edwards AFB? His father a WWI and WWII submariner, Andrew Furin, sunk a U-boat in WWI with a deck gun when temporarily assigned on the USS Martha Washington troop ship, a converted war prize Austrian passenger ship by the same name. Both are buried at Arlington, Robert E. Lee's former home. My family fought on both side of the so called civil war (mostly Confederate, none owned slaves). It was an economic war. When the South left the Union they took 75+% of the federal budget with them. The war was not started over slavery. Lincoln, Davis, Grant and Lee independently said so. All 4 men were pro-Union. Lincoln told the South they, like the Northern slave states, could keep their slaves IF they remained in the Union to have the numerically superior North democratically vote their tax money to be used for Northern projects. No way, Jose'. Adios. Taxation without representation. West Pointer Jefferson Davis was the Secretary of State. He said. " I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came ." He also said, " I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it ." Lincoln had offered the then Union Col. Robert E. Lee, the West Point standout, command of the entire Union Army. Pro-Union Lee could not fight against his state and left to defend Virginia. Before Lincoln it was 'the united states are', after the war it became 'the United States is'. Lincoln was in effect the Borg King. 'You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.' Slavery continued in the North during the entire war. Lincoln refused to free them, including the thousands of slaves in Washington D.C. (most are ignorant of that fact). He issued the Emancipation Proclamation two years into the war to create a Southern slave revolt, but it didn't apply to Northern slaves. Hello, people? Moreover the US Census shows free Negroes owned thousands of Negro slaves (over 12,000 in 1830 to about 50,000 in 1860).and tho' they could have they didn't free them. As to White guilt for African slavery I like to use a liberal argument to prove a point. Liberals say, "Don't punish the drug users punish the drug peddlers. The sellers are creating the problem". So then who bears the greater guilt, those that captured and sold Africans to the highest bidders or the buyers? The guilt lies not with Whites in America, a small part of the global African slave trade, but the Black Africans that captured and sold others of their own race to the highest bidders. Both Drs. Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams, two Black PhDs confirm this. I have an interesting link be low with corroboration* by an Black African historian in Ghana. African slavery was in full swing using Muslim slave traders long before the first White man bought one. Another secret, the slaves were brought to America on Northern registered Jewish owned slave ships. Ignorance is why George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Confederate Memorials are coming down. Retroactively applied New Think taught in public schools enrages the mob. Boy, do I have some information on that. "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." -George Orwell, 1984 Put all the monument back up and make those that took it upon themselves to take them down to pay the costs. My Dad was in the Merchant Marine (USS Marine Phoenix C-4) transporting troops back from China and Japan after the war. His brother served on baby flattops in the Pacific. Three days before the Gamier Bay was sunk he transferred to the Windham Bay in a bosom's chair. Another brother a Marine served in China, another served in many pacific landings including hand to hand fighting and who suffered massive PSTD. I am a retired Policeman who guarded the Federal Courthouse in Seattle during the May riots in 1970. Which bring to mind another issue. Some intel for you. The problems with police have increased. In about 1980 the department no longer provided citizen assists, changing flat tires, getting gas, being the friend of their community. They began a very dangerous practice called 'lateral entry'. Police can now transfer from department to department. This takes police from the communities they grew up in among people they knew and loved to being a stranger in a new place with no community ties. You see where I'm going? Local control is gone and hiring out of department chiefs is a disaster. Police officers who develop friendships acquire snitches and that is the premium data base for solving crimes. Now with people looking at the recently 'black uniformed' (instead of blue) enforcers no one wants to befriend them. They fear them too much. And believe me, they aren't there to serve, they are there to enforce. The SCOTUS has ruled police may lie to people and whatever they find is admissible. This is a terrible circumstance. I was taught in the academy that if you want honesty act honestly. You can no longer trust the police. That knee to the neck technique you don't like was learned from Israelis training our police their techniques. This is used on Palestinians by them. We were never taught this, although choking sometimes is absolutely necessary to bring a violent person under control to cuff. With a violent person sometimes everything isn't enough. Adrenaline is superjuice. I am amzed the cop in Minnesota didn't look down and check on Floyd. Floyd was a puke (term of the trade) who had put a pistol in a pregnant woman's stomach and pistol whipped her. A real low life with a lethal doze of Fentanyl in him which is why he couldn't breath before he was hauled down after getting back out of the police cruiser. He should have just looked down. Dang it. Incidentally the correct charge is Negligent homicide, not murder. He didn't intend to kill him but he was sure negligent resulting in a death. Police supervison is trained by the FBI at Quanico. I am not impressed with the FBI. I dealt with them on a crime scene after a bank robbery (a federal crime). I made the arrest they took over and were the most inccompetent people I ever worked with at a crime scene. I have done many including as a detective and as a crime scene photographer. The FBI embarrassed me. Moreover, another very dangerous recent practice exists. Police departments, due to diversity and the desire to get people in uniform without the ability to question orders, no longer hire the most qualified (read smartest) candidates. You want lawsuit up the ying-yang don't hire the best and brightest. I refer you to the New London case. The USA Today newspaper (the one you have to lean to the left to read) had a two day two page series on Police not hiring the best and brightest any longer. *See Too Smart To Be A Policeman? linked below. I have a close friend that is a retired History Professor that knew Tyler Kent very well. Kent is the man that had intercepted the Churchill/Roosevelt communications ala Edward Snowden. In attempting to expose their criminal/treasonous activities he was jailed (silenced) during the war and freed after. The Clintons and Obamas were amateurs compared to these two guys. As Churchill said, "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it". And did he. What I have learned is that without Winston Churchill America would never have entered WWI or WWII. "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." -George Orwell After attending colleges and universities in the US and Austria I left the last in 1984 (coincidence?) vowing to never set foot in another. I have long been an autodidact focusing on Original Intent, history and Christianity. Really enjoy your observations. I share your many frustrations. (I have decided not to publish the name of the person who wrote this because of the fear that they may be retaliated against.) |