December 2, 1939: Front page of the Grimsby Evening Telegraph, Grimsby, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 3" "Grimsby Trawler Sinks U-boat" |
(Another thrilling, but false report.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Midland Daily Telegraph, Coventry, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 3: "Another U-boat Sunk" |
(Yet another false report.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Daily Mail, Hull, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of the Evening Telegraph and Post, Dundee, Scotland. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 6: "Poles Executed By Gestapo" |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Sydney Sun, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of Het Volksdagblad, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Dutch communist paper.) |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Port Arthur News, Port Arthur, Texas. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the headline: "Finns Down 19 Red Planes, Sunk Sub" |
(I can not attest to the aircraft, but no Russian submarine, or any other Russian ship was sunk by the Finns.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Helena Independent, Helena, Montana. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of the Biddeford Daily Journal, Biddeford, Maine. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 1: "Japan Arouses United States" |
December 2, 1939: Front page of the Butte Montana Standard, Butte, Montana. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of The Lowell Sun, Lowell, Massachusetts. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
December 2, 1939: Front page of the Hamburger Neueste Zeitung, Altona, Hamburg, Germany. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
1. Lebensmittel=Ladenschluß ab Montag wieder 19 Uhr! |
(Groceries-shops close again Monday from 7 p.m.) |
2. Warum keine größeren Kämpfe im Westen? |
(Why no major fighting in the west?) |
3. Die finnische Kabinettskrise beendet. |
(The Finnish cabinet crisis has ended.) |
Page published Dec. 2, 2020 |