November 18, 1939: Front page of the Evening Express, Liverpool, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report at the bottom of column 1: "12-Hour Day For Jews of 70" |
Also note the report at bottom center: "Admiral Scheer Sank Tanker, State Crew" |
(The Africa Shell was actually sunk by the German cruiser Admiral Graf Spee.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Daily Mail, Hull, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the Headline: "Berlin Says Czech People "Approved" Murder of Students" |
(I don't think a comment on how absurd this statement is should be necessary.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of the Evening Telegraph and Post, Dundee, Scotland. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 4: "Nazis Moving 650,000 Jews To Poland" |
(An expanded version of the report from the Liverpool paper at top.) |
Also note the report in column 2: "Germany Orders Lithuanians From Memel" |
I wish to point out that while the press was reporting what was happening to the Jews in Nazi occupied Poland and other parts of the Reich, high officials in government knew much more. The following excerpt is from a top secret (now declassified) War Cabinet summary from Nov. 1939. This outlines information on both the German and Soviet occupation of Poland and the treatment of the people therein. "From recent reports in would seem that any former inhabitants of Poland who can choose their place of residence within the old boundaries are faced with a choice of misfortunes. The Russians, professing to bring freedom to the Ukrainians and White Russians, have killed or deported the landowners, professional men and political leaders, removed most of the food supplies and commandeered all "spare" clothing not actually in wear. Boots can still be bought for £8 a pair. By way of conciliation, the land has been divided to give each peasant about 2 hectares; collective farms have not yet been formed; churches are still open; self-government is pretended and the Poles that are left are treated without hostility. German policy, on the contrary, is founded on hostility. Many Poles have been shot and whole families exterminated. All Poles and Jews are being driven from the Corridor and the Silesian districts, and all, except peasants, from the Lodz area and south of it. Large estates are being divided to provide farms for repatriated Germans. The homeless are left to settle in the devastated area east of Lodz, and Jews, including many from the Reich, are to be herded into a small area about Lublin which is unlikely to be able to support them. As in Russian Poland, food queues are general. Whereas the Russian attempt to prevent emigration to Roumania has not been very successful, the Germans have organised a special corps of Ukrainian emigrants, the Sitchovitsi, to prevent the escape of the miserable Poles over the Slovakian border. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that these Ukrainian malcontents may later be used for subversive activities in Russian Ukraine. In both parts of Poland guerrilla bands, organised by ex-Polish officers, are active in the forest districts, and considerable secret stores of arms are available to sustain their efforts." |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Sydney Sun, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Telegraph, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report at top right: "Indian Ocean Raider Definitely Identified As Admiral Scheer" |
Not only is this report incorrect, through the lens of history it's ironic. The papers of the days before constantly reported that Admiral Scheer and Deutschland were operating in the world's oceans. While Deutschland was, Admiral Scheer was not. In fact Admiral Scheer was the only German cruiser mentioned in the news reports that never made a sortie into the Atlantic. The ship that was operating in the Indian Ocean was Admiral Graf Spee.) |
Also note the report in column 4: "Bremen's Transfer To Soviet" |
(This report was in the British press yesterday, but again this is a false report. Bremen fled to Murmansk, Russia, but then sailed back to Germany only to be destroyed by a fire.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 4: "Three More Czechs Shot For Violence Against Germans" |
November 18, 1939: Front page of Het Volksdagblad, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Dutch communist paper.) |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Lowell Sun, Lowell, Massachusetts. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the headline: "Precinct Workers Barred From Future Election Work" |
(It should not be necessary to mention the obvious parallel to today's election. It's enough to remind people of a famous historical axiom, "it's not the people who vote that counts, it's who counts the votes.") |
Also note the sub-headline: "655,000 Jews to Be Ringed Around With Frontier of Barbed Wire When Evacuated to German Poland" |
(This was one of the few U.S. papers which carried this story on the front page.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Helena Independent, Helena, Montana. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 1: "Japs Restricted By Hawaii Order" |
(This was one of the first steps taken by the U.S.A. against the Japanese Empire due to their aggression in China.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of the San Antonio Express, San Antonio, Texas. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 6: "Bund Leader a Nuisance Dewey Testifies in Trial" |
(This is about the ongoing trial of Fritz Kuhn, the so-called American Führer.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Bakersfield Californian, Bakersfield, California. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the headline: "Nazis Execute 3 More Czechs to End Rebellion" |
(This is in addition to the 9 students executed the day before.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of The Escanaba Daily Press, Escanaba, Michigan. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 18, 1939: Installment #7 of "Stalin Unmasked" from the San Antonio Light, San Antonio, Texas. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 18, 1939: Front page of the Hamburger Neueste Zeitung, Altona, Hamburg, Germany. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
1. Vereitelter Luftangriff auf Wilhelmshaven. |
(Unsuccessful air raid on Wilhelmshaven.) |
2. Deutsche Flieger über dem gesamten französischen Raum. |
(German airmen over the whole of France.) |
Page published Nov. 18, 2020 |