October 19, 1939: Front page of The Star, Sheffield, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of The Sunderland Echo and Shipping Gazette, Sunderland, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of The Examiner, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report at bottom center: "Hitler Sacks Generals Because One Wed Typist" |
(The Generals being sacked is true, the reason given to the press was a lie. This was Hitler's move to take over command of the Wehrmacht [German Armed Forces] and finally take total control of Germany.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of The Daily Advertiser, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of The Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of Het Volksdagblad, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of The Billings Gazette, Billings, Montana. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of the Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of the Evening Huronite, Huron, South Dakota. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
October 19, 1939: Front page of the Hamburger Neueste Zeitung, Altona, Hamburg, Germany. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
1. Deutschland ehrt die Sieger von Scapa Flow. |
(Germany honors the heroes of Scapa Flow.) |
[Photo at top right shows Hitler greeting the crew of U-47, who sank HMS Royal Oak. In the ceremony Hitler awarded the commanding officer, Günther Prein the Ritterkreuz.] |
2. Ueberbilck über die Ereignisse an der Westfront seit Kriegsbeginn. |
(Review of events on the western front since the beginning of the war.) |
3. Engländer in vorderster Linie nirgends festgestellt. |
(The English nowhere in the forefront.) |
4. U-boots-Jäger im Kampf. |
(Submarine hunters in combat.) |
Page published Oct. 19, 2020 |